SUBHARAMBHA-12th Installation on 2nd july,2017
SUBHARAMBHA - 12th Installation on 2nd july,2017 at Nazrul Satabarshiki S2adan on 2nd July 2017. PDG Rtn. Shymasree Sen inaugurated stone laying with a short delightful speech. District Governor Rtn. Brojo Gopal Kundu, Chief Guest lighting the lamp of 12th Installation Ceremony with DGE Rtn. Mukul Sinha & DGN Rtn. Ajoy Agarwal.Guest of honour Swami Sureshanandaji, Adhyaksh,Bharat Sevashram Sangha ,Dokra grace the occasion and blessed us with inspiring speech. Past President Rtn. Alok Nath Saha handed over the charge to president Rtn. Subash Chandra Dey . It was followed by musical performance congratulating speech by our guests and multiple litreracy projects and publication of Installation souvenir Installation Chairman Rtn. Achin Bose thanks all the guest. Installation Ceremony comes to an end with fellowship & Dinner.