Paul P Harris the Founder of Rotary was born on April 19, 1868 at Racine, Wisconsin, USA. He was the second of six children and spent his childhood with his grandparents in New England who embedded in him upright values and Scottish prudence while being kind and warm. Paul's grand parents filled him with the zest to live a purposeful life.

Paul was married to a Scottish bride, Jean Thompson Harris (1881-1963). They had no children. As a young man he was adventurous and inquisitive with a passion to explore life, places and people. He was the leader of a youth band called 'Conspirators'. Paul worked as a newspaper reporter, a business college teacher, stock company actor and as a cowboy. He travelled extensively as a salesman for a marble and granite concern in the USA and Europe.

In 1896, he went to Chicago to practice law. As a practitioner of law, Paul did not find instant success. He said that he went hungry and forlorn for many days. These days were mainly instrumental for the genesis of 'Rotary'. Lonely days of Chicago prompted him to find friends for fellowship and to share mutual concerns.

With Gustavus Loehr, Hiram Shorey and Silvester Schiele the movement began and became history. Paul and Jean helped Rotary grow. He confessed "having no children of our own, Jean and I adopted Rotary". Paul was never assertive inspite of being the Founder of the Rotary movement. He never sought prominence and would always take a back corner seat at the weekly meetings. Nevertheless he was a great human being. He was a great friend also.

When he died on 27 January, 1947 he had desired in his will that he should be buried besides his great friend Silvester Schiele who was the first President of the first Rotary Club of Chicago. Such was the intensity of his friendship. He left behind him a rich legacy of fellowship and brotherhood for international understanding and service to humanity.