Project kadam Kadam bariya ja: Literacy project at Pranab kanya sangha on 15th August,2016
- Sit & Drawing competition on 15th August at Pranab Kanya Sangha organized by Ann Suparna Mitra & examined by Miss Maitri Dhar Majumder
- Quiz competition on 15th August at Pranab Kanya Sangha presented by PP Rtn Debasish Banerjee .Total 21 orphan children between class IV & VIII participated
- Prize Distribution (water bottle ) done to successful students for drawing and quiz competition. All the students were given chocolets , biscuits, notebooks, colour pensils, pens. Special contribution by President Rtn Alok Nath Saha, Rtn Kalyan Bose, Rtn Gautam Nandi, Rtn Nemai Pada Majumder.
- Rotaract members were actively participated.