11th Installation ceremony SAMARABH on 3rd july at our club venue ROTARY SADAN
PDG Rtn. Utpal Majumdar was Chief Guest Respectable Swami Aghoratmanandaji Maharaj, Adhyakhsha, Ramakrishna Math, Barasat was the Guest of Honour •DGN Rtn. Mukul Sinha was the Special Guest and PDG Amitava Mookerjee was the Keynote Speaker. PDG Uttam Ganguli, PDG Pinaki Prasad Ghosh, AG Prantik Ghosh and a galaxy of other District dignitaries, Rotarians and guests were present in the occasion. •Responsibility of Presidentship was handed over to Rtn Alok Nath Saha by IPP Rtn Achin Bose. • All members of the club along with their families enjoyed a memorable evening. A colourful & informative souvenir was published on the occasion. •Two new members inducted Rtn. Avijit Sadhukhan and Rtn. Gobinda Das Shipra-kanya & Lilamati Scholarship of Rs 5000 each was given