Rotary is one of the largest and most influential international humanitarian service organizations in the world.

Rotary’s 1.2. million members worldwide belong to more than 33,000 Rotary Club in more than 200 countries and geographical areas.

As volunteers, Rotary members have been serving the needs of communities worldwide since 1905. Rotary is global network of business, professional and community leaders.

Through volunteer service, the women and men of Rotary build friendships and enlarge their circle of business, professional and community acquaintances.

Participating in international service projects allows Rotary members to connect with people from around the world and promote cross cultural understanding.

Rotary promotes peace and international understanding through its educational and humanitarian programs.

Rotary sponsors the largest privately funded international scholarship programs in the world, since 1947, Rotary has contributed roughly US$ 500 million to fund 38,000 students from 100 countries. These cultural ambassador use their skills they acquire through their studies aboard to help their communities.

Rotary Clubs promote peace by initiating thousands humanitarians projects every year that address the underlying causes of social instability and conflict such as hunger, poverty, disease and illiteracy.

Since 1985, Rotary members have donated their time and money to help immunize more than two billion children in 122 countries.

Rotary’s top philanthropic goal is to eradicate polio worldwide.

Till date Rotary has contributed $800 million and countless volunteer hours to fighting the disease.

In 2007 and 2009 the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation awards the Rotary Foundation grants totaling US$ 355 million. Rotary is committed to raising US$ 200 million by 30th June 2012.

This is an exciting yet challenging time. Rotary and its partner have reduced polio cases by 99 percent.

In 2007, 1315 cases of polio were reported, compared with 350000 cases in 1988.

Polio still threatens children in parts of Africa and South Asia.

Polio remains endemic in just four countries Afghanistan, India, Nigeria and Pakistan.

We follow these sayings:

  • "The best of men are those who are useful to others."
  • "Do not judge who is wrong and who is right, you will be peaceful."
  • "Patience is the pillar of success, a man without patience is like a lamp without oil."
  • "No. one would live in peace and security unless his neighbors are living in peace and security."
  • "When one dream alone, it is only a dream, when many dream together, it is the beginning of a new reality."